
Teaching map workvideo


cow breeds

Cow breeds is the science or business of breeding and raising cattle. DIFFERENT TYPES OF COW BREED Holstein Friesian Hereford cattle Simmental cattle Aberdeen Angus Limousin cattle  Belgian Blue Beefalo Red Angus Braford Nguni cattle

animal disease

 Animal disease is an infectious disease that is transmitted between species from animal to human[human to animal]. DIFFERENT KIND OF ANIMAL DISEASE   African swine fever Avian influenza[  bird flu] foot and Mouth Disease Rabies porcine epidemic diarrhea bovine ephemeral fever SIGN  AND SYMPTOMS OF A SICK ANIMAL S  vomiting lethargy sudden weightless diarrhea poor appetite cough fever dull eyes distended abdomen HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE FROM SPREADING keep animal clean and dry keep pets away from wildlife  practicing rodent control protect your pets against disease use preventative medications wash your hands

farming technology

 farming technology - is the used of  technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture with the aim of improving yield, efficiency, and profitability.  EXAMPLE OF FARMING TECHNOLOGIES   agricultural drones irrigation biotechnology artificial intelligence livestock biometrics sensors  technology robotics geographic information system IMPORTANCE OF FARMING TECHNOLOGY reduce impact on natural ecosystems  advances in both pesticide and fertilizers reduce ground and surface water pollutions better food safety higher crop productivity increased worker safety 

farming tools

 farming tools those are tools we use when farming. EXAMPLE OF FARMING TOOLS  hoes spade  rake axe wheelbarrow water can sprayer sprinkler THE USE OF FARMING TOOLS  used for irrigation planting field preparation sowing  harvesting storage  THE FUNCTION OF EACH FARMING TOOL WHEELBARROW- it`s used to transport piles of dirt, weed, or any other small load in the field. WATER CANS -used by gardeners for watering plants. HOE- used for loosening the soil and removing weeds. SPADE- used for digging straight-edged holes or trenches, slicing, and lifting sod, and edging flower beds or lawns. RAKE - used for scooping, scraping, gathering, or levering materials, such as soil, mulch and leaves. SPRINKLER-used to irrigate, or provide water, to plants. THE IMPORTANCE OF FARMING TOOLS Improved productivity reduced labor requirements  minimized crop damage  improved consistency and uniformity extended harvesting season enhanced safety

soil profiles

  soil profile - it`s a vertical section of the soil that depicts all the its horizons. the soil profile extends from the soil surface to the parent rock material. the regolith includes all of the weathered material within the profile. the soil profile is an important tool in nutrient management, by examining a soil profile, we can gain valuable insight into soil fertility. as the soil weather and/ or organic matter decomposes, the profile of the soil changes. on the  other hand, a highly fertile soil often has a deep surface layer that contains high amounts of organic matter.